Sunday, October 23, 2011

She lay in the silvery shadows with courage rising and made the plans that a sixteen-year-old makes when life has been so pleasant that defeat is an impossibility and a pretty dress and a clear complexion are weapons to vanquish fate.

[Gone with the wind]
"That is the case with us all, papa. One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other."
- Emma Woodhouse


Saturday, October 22, 2011


They said,
Pick out the one with the largest heart,
The one who’s the most important part
of your life, who can take your breath away
every time you steal a glance his way.
Who can make you laugh, who will let you cry,
who can cheer you up with his twinkling eyes.

Indeed a gem, he who walks with you
through good and bad, who loves you through
the ups and downs of life, no matter
how often you may encounter the latter.
Pick an honest soul, pick a noble friend,
pick the one you’ll be with till the end.

They said,
Pick out the one who’s the sun to your bhor.
And I, picked you.